Jennifer Edewaard

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for your time with the Lord

Our world would have us relentlessly pursue all of the things it perceives to offer us. That is not the trek we are on.

Romans 12:2 tells us,

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

We do things differently around here, we are set to His pace and His path, we sit at the feet of Jesus, we exist to relentlessly pursue Jesus, seeking His face, to grow in the knowledge of who He is, stirring a hunger for His word and for prayer, which both fuel and sustain us. We endure and persevere in them. We are going to run hard after God, leaping into His fullness, and peace that surpasses all understanding- together. 

What does time with the Lord look like?

What are some tools that equip and edify this pursuit?

Why is this time with Him so important?

What if I don’t know where or how to start?

Many of you have reached out asking these questions, wanting an inside look at some of the rhythms and tools that I have implemented in my daily pursuit. Before I dive in I want to preface this all by saying that our pursuit of Him will look different for each of us. We really only need a bible, and surrendered heart that desires Him. He doesn't need our time to look perfect— let’s be honest— there is no such thing.

While we are talking about this let me also remind you that this time doesn’t have to be quiet either. I think there is this misconception when we hear the tear quiet time with the Lord— but this does not have to be literal at all. For me, I do wake up around 5am and spend some time alone with the Lord, reading the Word, journaling, and praying but then I keep the conversation open with Him all throughout my day.

You know the season you are in and what your time with Him will look like, and so I suggest you pick what works best for you and your family. Maybe it will happen early in the morning before the whole house is up, or maybe your kiddo will wake early and be in your lap, or maybe at breakfast when everyone is sitting at the table too, or maybe it’s in pockets of your day when you have a few minutes. Maybe it is at the end of the day— however and whenever your time to sit down with Him is— remember He just wants you. It is important to also know that He wants to spend every moment with you, He is with you all day everyday, talk to Him all throughout your day, invite Him into all of it. He wants you to depend on Him.

No matter where you find yourself on this trail, the Lord sees you and He wants so deeply to be in relationship with you!

I pray that as I share some of these rhythms and tools that I use each day that above anything it stirs a hunger and a thirst for who God is and for His word, that truly does fuel and sustain us!


This year I am reading through the Bible chronologically following the Bible Recap plan. Each day I read the assigned reading and I am using the In Every Season Journal Set, from Well Watered Women. The journal follows the exact chronological reading plan so that as I am reading I can journal any notes, questions, and things I am learning in them. After I read and journal thought, The Bible Recap has a podcast that recaps the reading for the day— its typically under 10 minutes. They also have a printed recap version of the podcast that I use as well.


As I am reading through the Bible in a year, there are many times when the Lord really presses something on my heart or the Word jumps off the page— when this happens I will explore the Word further. Typically that happens later in the day or the evening for me. I do also study books of the Bible more in depth— verse by verse, in addition to the reading plan I am following. I will also go through different bible studies from The Daily Grace Co, Hosanna Revival, and Well Watered Women.

If you have been around for sometime, you will know that I use and love my Growth Book everyday for everything. The Growth Book is a journal to document all things— notes from when I explore the Word, sermons, books I am reading— you name it and I put it in my Growth Book. ( USE CODE JENNIFER FOR 10% OFF)


I begin my time in the Word with a prayer that I will write out, and then I will spend a few minutes writing out a handful of gratitudes. As I read and study the Word I will take notes on who He is, promises, truths, and attributes of God. I will write them down in my prayer journals which I have linked below. I spend a lot of time using scripture to pray— I will pray the Word and write these prayers out as well. After I do this I will also pray through the different categories my prayer journals have— family, friends, the world, my church, community, personal items, salvations, heavy things, goals, marriage and so on. However my time in prayer does not end there— I have made it a practice to pray and speak with the Lord all throughout my day. Having a posture of worship and praise really fixes my eyes on Him in the moments of my day.

Find Wondrous Things Prayer Journal

Val Marie Paper Prayer Journal

** Some links are affiliate links— BUT I would only share items that I wholeheartedly use and love.**


Bible of Choice




Blue Letter Bible

** Below are the items that I use and love**

The Daily Grace Co Bible Study Handbook

Hosanna Revival Bible

The Hebrew-Greek Key Word Study Bible: ESV Edition

The New Inductive Study Bible (ESV)

Growth Book (USE JENNIFER FOR 10% OFF)

Uni-ball Signo Um-151 Gel Ink Pen - 0.38 Mm - 10 Set (Black)

Bible Study Highlighter Set